"The Name to Remember for Aircraft Engine
Parts & Service"
1-(405) 262-4880
1-(800) 992-4880
Overhaul Your Cylinder
Let us overhaul your cylinders and parts for $595.
Lycoming Cylinders
235, 290, 320, 340, 360, 435, 480, 540 720, Angle, Parallel valve.
Continental Cylinders
50, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 125, 145, 200, 300, 165, 185, 225, 240, 346, 360, 470, 520, 550.
Airboat Cylinders
Lycoming and Continental complete cylinders for $400.
Parts Inventory
Lycoming, Continental parts from pistons, valves, springs, rocker arms, guides, seats, etc....
Parts Overhaul and Repair Work
Piston cleaning, Barrel
honing, Rebushing ears, Stud and mill work, Valve reconditioning, and more.
Piston Rings and Ring Sets
Lycoming, Continental, Superior and ECi rings
Check us out on Ebay. New stuff added daily.

We buy engines. Even crashed and damaged engines. Give us a call at 1-800-992-4880 and ask for Marsahll or email us at gibsonaviation00@gmail.com